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4 Struggles of Being a Sneakerhead in 2023

As a sneakerhead, it’s hard to ever be truly satisfied. We’re always riding that fine line of wanting sneakers to be accessible but also wanting sneakers that no one else has. We constantly go back and forth between having too many sneakers and not having enough. We are interested in an upcoming pair minutes after un-DSing a fresh pair. The list goes on and on. 

A significant part of this constant need for more is the endless amount of products, information, and content for us to consume. From dedicated social media accounts to podcasts to newsletters, there’s a TON of information that keeps our attention when it comes to an upcoming sneaker release. 

The problem is that TOO much information can also be bad, and we’ve never been in a worse place for misinformation, particularly around sneakers. If you’re getting into sneakers, it can be overwhelming because you don’t know where to look, who to trust, and what to believe. (even for OGs, it becomes a lot!) 

Don’t get us wrong, in 2023, there are a lot of great things that are going on in the sneaker space (check out this pod to learn more), but there is also a fair share of misinformation and rumors that spread for every major release.

Leaked Photos/Mockups

We’ve all seen them by now. The crazy-looking mockups that get people excited about a shoe that will never release. These are all lazy designs that water down the product and are mainly used by the accounts chasing clout.

As if the terrible mockups aren’t bad enough, the potato-quality leaked images suck and don’t do the sneaker any favors. (remember the backlash on the Union 1 and 4?). Leaked photos are truly the worst because they rob the potential collaborator and brand of telling the story correctly and ruin the sneaker before people even get a good look at it.

Changing Release Dates

This one doesn’t affect you much in the long run, but we all know the feeling of looking forward to release day to get your sneaker in hand and then, at the last minute, the date changes.

Truthfully, things aren’t as bad as they were peak pandemic, but release dates are still changing left and right. Ultimately, don’t trust a release date on the internet until the brand officially confirms it. 

Our team of industry and release experts NEVER post a confirmed date until we have inside info or have it verified by a trusted source. Download the DROPS by SoleSavy app to keep track of all the releases as they come in and get restocks for delayed shipments and drops.

False Stock #’s

Incorrect stock numbers are one of the most annoying things in sneakers right now. In general, misinformation is at an all-time high, with people not caring to fact-check anything anymore. And in sneakers, we’ve seen this tenfold. 

A random sneaker account with no credibility can post a picture of a sneaker with a stock number underneath, and everyone will go wild with it. 

I hate it because none of it is ever true, it gets people excited, and expectations for the release are thrown out of whack. The thing is, there’s really NO WAY to confirm stock numbers, as there’s a reason the brand doesn’t release info like that. 

As a premium SoleSavy member, you’ll get access to the most up-to-date info as we have direct relationships with brands and retailers and will always give you the truth about what goes down on release day.

Raffles, Raffles, More Raffles

If you’re after a pair of sneakers these days, you’ve more than likely entered raffles to what seems like every boutique in the world by now.

Raffles are LITERALLY everywhere these days, and there are too many to keep up with. There are in-store raffles, in-app raffles, online raffles, donation raffles, etc. Without being on your phone or laptop all day, missing out on some is easy. Especially the ones that are only open for a specific time frame. On top of this, many retailers are now implementing ‘Pre-Authorization Raffles’ so you’ll automatically be charged if you win. This is good for the high-heat releases that you know will be tough to get, but be very careful entering these at mass for general release or low-demand sneakers.

Our release team will post all the most pertinent raffle information in our community and special announcements for any time-sensitive raffles.