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A Thank You From SoleSavy

Good morning everyone! I have a lot to be thankful for in my life (shout out to my family, my wife, my friends and my soon to be first child in May) but I’m going to focus on my sneaker family.

My frustration with how much resell has infiltrated the culture we love, and how it now dominates the news cycle, is not news to any of you. It’s why we started SoleSavy, it’s what drives me day in and day out. I always asked myself the question, how can I bring the culture together with real sneakerheads and enable them to succeed? There are some days when I have a little doubt (just a little lol) in that idea because I think, damn we are the only ones preaching this…everyone has went to the “darkside”. Maybe I’m wrong? Maybe this is the future of the sneaker industry? and maybe I’m just refusing to give in to this new wave? Sometimes that crosses my mind but at the end of the day, if it’s us versus the world then so be it. I will ride or die with everyone here.

On Sunday I hopped on a Zoom with Chris from WearTesters with the intention of getting a few things off my chest hoping someone would listen. Chris definitely shares the same views as me which was great to see. I think they cut out 30 minutes of that video lol maybe I will upload it all as a members only podcast episode soon.

Fast forward to Tuesday morning when the video went live and what happened next has absolutely blown me a way. I responded to over 300 emails from prospective members telling me their stories. Why they love sneakers, how they’re frustrated, what it means to their family, and how badly they want to be a part of something that is FOR the culture.

It has honestly been an incredibly inspiring few days for myself and the team to see the validation from everyone across the sneaker spectrum. We’ve been working 6AM to Midnight to keep up with everyone and make sure all members, new and old, are taken care of. We’ve spoken with members across the spectrum from sneakerheads of all ages who are new to the culture to the 60 year old OGs who have seen it all. I knew you were all out there but sometimes piercing through all the bullshit to find you is tough. But this has reminded me that we need to continue pushing forward every single day and scream as loud as we can until we find every single sneakerhead out there who is actually for this culture.

I’ve always said that we will change the sneaker industry one member at a time and today more than ever I believe that with the utmost confidence. I’m incredibly grateful for everyone of our current members, new members and upcoming members who join the SoleSavy community. I’ll forever remember this as the week that set us on the trajectory we needed to have a serious impact in sneaker culture.

So from the bottom of my sneaker heart. THANK YOU!