On a related note….
*If you use a Hotmail or Outlook email for sneaker raffles it’s time you STOP doing so*
It looks like raffle bots are entering such an insane volume of Hotmail/Outlook generated emails (they are cheap to buy) that Shopify based stores using the same raffle system are opting to disqualify anyone with that email. This is crazy because it would mean removing real entries but it must be so bad that they saw the trade off as being worth it.
With that said, I highly recommend making a gmail account for all of your sneaker related activities for a variety of reasons. One of them being the higher cost to make gmail accounts for raffle bots. My advice when making the email is to make it look as “real” to you as the person as possible. Example: first.lastname@gmail.com and maybe through a number in or something. Dont make silly fake looking emails!
I hope no one here was robbed a raffle W over their email but this is worth doing going forward as raffle systems get smarter with handling bots.