- Login to your paypal account in the same browser a few minutes before release. You may get logged out if you do it too early.
- have gmail/google account logged in on same browser in case it helps skip captchas
- site is password protected so you’ll want to bookmark https://juicestore.com and https://juicestore.com/collections/new-arrivals
- shoes should be on new arrivals but they were also on the home page: https://juicestore.com/collections/new-arrivals
- use the bookmark to load the site and do NOT refresh /password page
- Once the site loads I will add ANYTHING at all to cart and in any size. the less clicks to cart the better
- remember that the site grays out all the sizes but the one select so this does NOT mean they are sold out if its grey
- get into the queue will require you to do a captcha
- have a https://juicestore.com/cart bookmark ready just in case you need to use it
- Once in the queue, open a new tab and add the right shoe/size to cart
- edit your cart to remove the wrong item/size and do NOT start another queue
- if time permits and the queue is still going you can login to your account during this wait in the second tab you opened
- go back to your original tab with the queue and wait
- Once through the queue you will have to autofill your shipping address and do another captcha
- for the shipping options page, if it is slow to load the shipping options or says non are available then you have to judge this in the moment. If you see the browser spinning trying to load then wait it out a bit..if its been 10 seconds, refresh and see if that works. You can also try going back to shipping address and then continue again to shipping options
- For payment they normally only have Paypal as an option so be prepared to only use paypal. Last time CC was an option but worked poorly so anything is possible tonight
My plan of attack for tonights CLOT AJ1 Mid release on JuiceStore.com is below. The release is happening at 8PM PST / 11PM EST and will be around $200 USD shipped.