We built an app to make collecting sneakers fairer and more fun. COLLECT is the first retail-or-less marketplace with the lowest fees in the industry.

Dear Sneakerhead,
Our ambition has always been to make it more fun to be into sneakers. We’ve hit some big milestones along the way – selling over $2M worth of sneakers for retail, and hosting over $500k in prizes. Now we’ve reached an even bigger milestone, by opening COLLECT to the public.
What’s the vision? To build an app that makes collecting sneakers better for sneakerheads.
That began with building Trades as a core functionality. Finally you can buy, sell, and trade new and used sneakers, all in one app. We wanted to build with sneakerheads in mind, so we enforced a maximum listing price. And to make collecting accessible for everyone, we implemented the lowest fees in the industry. (Premium SoleSavy members will always have Zero fees.)
I’m looking forward to building with you.


The best place to trade.

The lowest fees in the industry.
* Please note this does not include legally required merchant fees or shipping

Trust who you transact with.
Start growing your collection today
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