Supreme Check Out Guide

Supreme Check Out Guide: How To Check Out Faster

The biggest Supreme drop of the year is upon us, and this will most definitely be the hardest item to cop. Usually once a year supreme releases a box logo item, this year it is the crewneck sweatshirt, last year it was the hooded sweatshirt and Brooklyn store opening tee.

This guide will help your odds with being able to secure a sweatshirt, but please keep in mind the level of hype of this type of release. The demand heavily outweighs the supply.

Ensure you follow the below steps PRIOR to any Supreme drop at 11AM EST. This will ensure that your information is saved for a quicker checkout.

Supreme has done a really great job as of late with weeding bots out, and this method has proven to work efficiently with our members who have been using this it.

CANADA: If you are shipping to Canada and have had declined card issues in the past please do the postal code trick on your next check out. For example, take your postal code + numbers in the postal code + 00 (Ex. M6T1X2 would be M6T1X261200).

Step 1

Add any item to cart – Find anything in stock and add it to your cart. Usually after a drop mostly everything will be sold out, so head to the accessories. Add some boxers or a pair of socks.

Step 2

Proceed to checkout – After you’ve added to cart, you can now proceed to the checkout page.

Step 3

Fill out your info – On the left column of the page, fill out all of your information. Your billing AND shipping must match. You cannot use your PO box or reship address as your billing. However, if you have a credit card tied to a US address, you can use that address and ship it there. (Given you have a way to get it). After you’ve filled out your information, it is VERY important that you press the little box that says “save address for future orders.”

Step 4

Enter Credit Card Info – Here’s where it gets a bit tricky, but you’ll understand why. Enter in an INCORRECT credit card number, INCORRECT expiry and INCORRECT CVV.

You do this so that you can move onto the next step, without getting charged.

Step 5

Agree to terms & Check Out – Make sure you press the little box beside “I have read and agree to terms & conditions” Then press process payment. The payment will fail, and you should see an error message above your credit card that says ‘credit card number is invalid’ This should now ensure that your info is saved.

Step 6

Confirm your information was saved – Exit the checkout page, and head back to your cart. Press checkout, and you should see your info populated on the checkout screen again just as you had it in the last step. The only information that will not be saved is your credit card info. Head back to your cart again and clear the item.

Your Billing/Shipping Information is Now Saved!

The above steps have now saved your check out information for the real release.

Steps To Take Before and During Release

Prepare your credit card number and info – Because you’ll have to be incredibly quick, it’s imperative that you copy/save your credit card info to clipboard or notes. Copy your credit Card number and memorize your month/year and CVV number.

Click The Category Link / Do Not refresh – The sweatshirt is going to drop in the ‘sweatshirts’ category and the ‘new’ category. Totally up to you with which category you want to check, but you’ll be able to access the sweater from both. It is VERY important that you do not refresh the page at release but instead you click the category link to ensure it forces a “white refresh” of only the product instead of the entire page.

Add to cart – Once the clock hits 11AM – the box logo sweater should appear in all 9 colours. Pick a colour and size and add it to cart. Then immediately head to your cart by pressing the ‘checkout now’ button.

Check Out – Once you’ve hit the checkout page, if you completed the steps in the first part of this guide, you should see all of your shipping/billing info filled in already.

Credit Card Info – Read carefully. PASTE your credit card info. MANUALLY fill in your expiry and cvv. DO NOT use an autofill plugin of any kind.

Process– Now check the ‘terms of service’ box and press process payment. Cross your fingers that the order goes through and stay on the look-out for an order confirmation email.

Future Releases – Now that you have done this process and saved your check out information, it will stay on the computer and browser you completed it on for weeks. You will not need to do the first portion of this guide again unless your saved check out information is removed. All you need to do before future releases is cart a product and check if your information is still there!